Hi! I'm Addison Dubay

I am an insurance agent and technology specialist.

I am a lifelong learner, and I'm always pushing myself to learn something new, whether that is a new technology, home DIY project, baking, automotive repairs, sewing, or programming language.



A simple project to help my 6 year old daughter compare numbers, and discourage guessing. Which number is greater or less? Read more about it on GitHub. See the project in action at number-compare.addisondubay.com

Roman Numeral / Integer Converter

Functions to convert a Roman Numeral into an Integer, or an Integer into Roman Numeral. View more details on GitHub

All Shine Detailing

Originally, this detailing website was built on Shopify to tie together payment processing and sales tax management. The company is no longer in business, so I rebuilt it as a static website using HTML, CSS, and Lightbox for the gallery.


This react project utilizes a VPS to make api calls to Petfinder.com, and provide real-time data on dogs for adoption. In addition, the VPS also does a web-scrape due to limitations of the API service. The search page uses an infinite scroll feature to load more results.

Learning Log

This project is a running log of completed coding challenges. It is meant as learning aid. The goal is to keep track of the challenge, how I solved it, and what the best practice is. 'Tags' are also used to document different methods used to solve issues. The app is executed via node. View more details on GitHub


Skilled in:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sass, GitHub, VS Code, CPanel, Wordpress, and Shopify.

Exposure to:

React, Node, Express, Bootstrap and SQL

Current or intended learning:

React, Bootstrap


If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

  • (561) 768-1659
  • AddisonDubay@Outlook.com
  • Complete the contact form below.